Sunday, 15 May 2011

Found - In the Garden!

Sitting folornly on our garden table was this little fledgling. Not quite sure whether it is a sparrow or a chaffinch. We kept checking it was OK for an hour or so and when I went out just now it had disappeared, so we hope it has flown somewhere safely and is being looked after by its parent.
I am not a gardener! as shown by my pathetic spring onions below. I know they will eventually grow and taste absolutely wonderful, but why do they always struggle so much when I have anything to do with them!

Other Half's broad beans however, are looking very healthy and we can't wait to eat the produce.
On the other hand I have to say that my tomatoes do seem to be doing very well, especially since I have put them in the special plastic grow bag pots, - only time will tell ...
Our chives and oregano are doing very well though.
Hope your garden is doing well now that things are 'burgeoning'.
Ann x

1 comment:

BadPenny said...

I'm not a gardener but I like to garden ! I'm sure between us we will produce something edble !