Tuesday, 15 November 2011

It's still autumn AND summer in our garden ...

Our flowering cherry tree is usually the first to drop its leaves about the end of September but here it is, still hanging on and giving us the most wonderful autumn colouring show.
These berries have been around for weeks and weeks, I hope they ripen enough for the birds very soon.
Even the figs are still ripening. We have already picked three a couple of weeks ago and these are the last two. I check on them each morning and they are steadily getting browner and ready to eat. They are delicious. We only had one the first year and none at all last year, so have done marvellously well this year.
Even the roses won't give up yet!
We have three blueberry bushes, bought this season, which have given us about a dozen fruits. They are just looking spectacular at present. Growing furiously and sporting this wonderful red foliage.
Another very warm and sunny day today.
We even had a sun tan session each today to prepare us for our winter holiday.
We don't want to look too white when we go to the Canaries in a few weeks time and the sun here isn't quite hot enough! Not even on our secluded patio!
Hope you are storing up warmth for the winter.
I have been following a very inspirational blog recently, written by Ellie. She has such strength and her courage is wonderful. She got a phenomenal following after an article in a daily newspaper. She brings home to me that I really should be thankful for what I have, especially as I have already had my three score years and ten (plus a bit!) and she may never have that chance. We need people like her to bring us up short occasionally.
Ann x

Monday, 14 November 2011

The Moon ...

Someone on the radio the other day said "do go out and photograph the moon tonight you will get a good picture". So I did and I was astonished at the results.

If you click on them you can actually see the round craters!
I couldn't believe that I could take such a shot from our back garden!
Ann x

Friday, 4 November 2011

Making the Advert .....

"Every little extra helps!" Tenby's legendary Boxing Day Swim is set to become even more famous when it features in a supermarket's Christmas TV advert.
They were filming on North Beach today with local 'extras' recreating the silly spectacle.
They're off!
Note the cameraman on the left!
Cameraman is going in too! Good job the lifeguards are on watch.
Cameraman paddling. Dedication to duty I say!
Return journey - towards Father Christmases holding trays of hot drinks!
More Lifeguards standing by in case of problems.
Tenby has had more than its fair share of television programmes recently.
Grand Designs, Ironman Wales, Don't Tell the Bride, Mayday Mayday
and Tenby 24/7.
I reckon everyone taking part had a great time.
500-odd people usually take part in the actual Boxing Day swim so the film may be 'tweaked' digitally to make it look as though there are many more people (so we were informed by a photographer standing by looking on).
Look out for the adverts at Christmas.
Ann x