Tuesday, 27 March 2018

A Stressful Shock

This is not the normal kind of thing one might put in a blog, but I am at a loss.

A very close family member has just been diagnosed with Small Vessel Disease (SVD) or in other words, vascular dementia!  This has come as a terrible shock to everyone.  I know that it affects so many people and their families and we are at a loss as to how to begin dealing with it all and getting help for him and his carers.

The Alzheimer's Society have a support worker they are going to see and there are also carer's meetings held nearby which will be a great help.

I have also found out that there are various talking groups, singing groups and befriending groups available as well.  This is something that I had never had occasion to even think about as no other member of my  family had had this distressing disease.  Although my mother did need residential care in her last couple of years she was never diagnosed with dementia, only 'old age'.

How have you been able to deal with this kind of diagnosis and have you had any experience of looking after someone who has any of the dementia diagnoses that are listed under the Alzheimer's cover ?

I am desperate for advice and would welcome any comments you may give me.

Ann x

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Sunday, 4 March 2018

Still Here

I know, its been ages since I wrote anything so I hope you are all getting on well while I have been away.

We have just had the last three days indoors because of The Beast from the East and Storm Emma.

Living in Pembrokeshire we barely know what snow is, so it was a shock to see so much at any one time.

Of course all the local children thoroughly enjoyed it all as they had no school and could just go out and play snowballs and toboggan down the road.

The main thing I noticed was the absolute quiet (after the noisy wind and blizzards had been through).  I had forgotten that snow was so silent.  It was strangely comforting and we spent a lot of time just sitting quietly listening to the radio and reading, as well as watching endless missed programmes on iPlayer and snooker and westerns!!

Back to normal now though.  Most of the snow has gone and it is pouring with rain!  So its back to shopping tomorrow then and also a trip out to my Reading Group.

We did have some lovely visitors to the garden though during the snow.

Beautiful Redwings

OH is making supper tonight. It may be sausage and mash, but I know he will make it very interesting.

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Cheerio for now.  Hope to see you much sooner than before. xx

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