Saturday 21 July 2012

Hooray! - Sunshine! .....

We visited our 'girls'.
We are going to look after them while their new owners are on holiday.
It is a year since they left, but they look just the same and are obviously happy and settled.
I pulled up our Wight garlic which was planted last November.
It is looking very good and smells wonderful!
The sunflowers are just beginning to come out.
Never planted them before and used a children's sunflower pack.
They are looking great and very cheerful!
Sunny Face.
Today we even managed to strip off and sunbathe on our private patio.
No photos!!!
Then I dug up our carrot!
Yes, we had only one!
Even Monty Don only had about six because of the bad weather, so I didn't feel too bad about it.
Have now planted out two more lots and will keep our fingers crossed.
Enjoy the warmth and sun in case it goes away again!
Ann x

1 comment:

Kath said...

I love the little ghostly spirit appearing over the fence in photo 3!