Wednesday 22 February 2012

Rain, rain, rain ...

Because the weather was so bad we were glad to be going to see The Iron Lady.
I loved the film. Thought the filming, photography, makeup were fantastic and Meryl Streep's portrayal of Margaret Thatcher absolutely astounding. I know a lot of folk will disagree with me entirely and think it is a disgrace to make a film about the dementia of someone as important as Mrs Thatcher and the fact that she is still living makes it even worse. However, anyone can get this dreadful illness and no-one knows how they, or anyone else will be affected and it is important to learn something about it and how it may be dealt with. It surely affects everyone around the sufferer, as was well shown in the film.
It rained at the front of the house
It rained all over the front door!
It poured down the kitchen window!
It had done the same thing yesterday - when the friend to whom we gave a lift to the cinema said that it was so bad she was just glad to get out of the house to go to the doctors'!!
Hope your day hasn't been too wet.
Ann x
1. Coffee and cake at the theatre
2. Warm woollen coat, scarf and hat!
3. Finally finishing the apple and elderberry crumble!

1 comment:

fabriquefantastique said...

Not quite as enthusiastic as you about The Iron Lady, the main fault was the script I think. However we did get to see it at The Lighthouse in Pauatanahui, NZ, so delightful, cinema, cafe and bar, and you sat on sofas with cushions